If you want to convert a ring size from one country to another, check our blog on How to convert ring size from one system to another.

How to measure your ring size with a string?

Measure ring size with string

One of the simplest methods for determining ring size is to measure your finger with a strip of paper or string:

  1. Begin by cutting a strip of paper that is 2cm wide and 10cm long.
  2. Wrap the paper around the intended finger's base and mark where it overlaps. The circumference of your finger is equal to the length of the paper measured in millimetres.
  3. After you've determined this measurement, use our conversion chart below to determine the ring size.
  4. If the size of your finger below the knuckle differs significantly from the knuckle itself, measure it as well. Then, select a size that is closer to the middle of these two measurements.
Circumference Measurement (mm) vs Ring size
mm size mm size mm size mm size
44.2 F 1/2 50.6 K 1/2 56.9 P 1/2 63.4 U 1/2
44.8 G 51.2 L 57.6 Q 64.0 V
45.5 G 1/2 51.8 L 1/2 58.2 Q 1/2 64.6 V 1/2
46.1 H 52.5 M 58.9 R 65.3 W
46.8 H 1/2 53.1 M 1/2 59.5 R 1/2 65.9 W 1/2
47.4 I 53.8 N 60.2 S 66.6 X
48.0 I 1/2 54.4 N 1/2 60.8 S 1/2 67.2 X 1/2
48.7 J 55.1 O 61.4 T 67.8 Y
49.3 J 1/2 55.7 O 1/2 62.1 T 1/2 68.5 Z
50.0 K 56.3 P 62.7 U 69.1 Z 1/2


How to measure your ring size using your own ring?

Measure ring size using old ring

If you already have a ring that fits well on your finger, you can use a ruler to measure the inside diameter of this ring:

  1. Measure straight across the inside of the ring from edge to edge with your ruler.
  2. Take a millimetre measurement and then use our measurement-conversion chart to determine your ring size.
Diameter Measurement (mm) vs Ring size
mm size mm size mm size mm size
14.2 F 1/2 16.0 K 1/2 18.0 P 1/2 20.2 U 1/2
14.4 G 16.1 L 18.2 Q 20.3 V
14.6 G 1/2 16.4 L 1/2 18.4 Q 1/2 20.7 V 1/2
14.7 H 16.5 M 18.6 R 20.8 W
14.9 H 1/2 16.7 M 1/2 18.8 R 1/2 21.0 W 1/2
15.0 I 16.9 N 19.1 S 21.2 X
15.3 I 1/2 17.1 N 1/2 19.3 S 1/2 21.3 X 1/2
15.4 J 17.4 O 19.5 T 21.5 Y
15.7 J 1/2 17.5 O 1/2 19.8 T 1/2 21.8 Z
15.8 K 17.8 P 20.0 U 22.0 Z 1/2